New Star

Children's theatre

Where every child is a star!

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Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp

Rehearsals begin for Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp on Wednesday, September 11th at 5;30pm to 8:30pm. This is an original script about the beloved classic story of Aladdin and his best friends Rashka and Adil and their adventures after finding a wonderful lamp and the hilarious Genie that resides inside! Of course the story would not be complete without a Princess to fall in love with or an evil villain trying to steal the lamp and take Aladdin down! Will Aladdin prevail and get the Genie to help him to meet the Princess, or will the forces of darkness succeed in stealing the lamp and gain control of the Genie and become too much for Aladdin and the kingdom to handle?

Discover the Magic of New Star Children's Theatre

New Star Children’s theatre Company is a children’s theatre based out of Folsom, California.

New Star works with children between the ages of 5-17 years of age. (Though, some shows have been known to include adult performers!)

We are proud to be a program where no experience is necessary to join the New Star “family.” All children who audition for our full scale shows or day camp productions are given a role with lines, solos and dancing.


Curtain Up Promo

Curtain Up!

We have wrapped another successful production. This play was a humorous look behind the scenes of a musical production, a play within a play if you will.  The audience laughed and cried with the cast as they tried to pull it together in time for the performance. Some thought “This Musical Is A Crime“, but when it boils down to it, the question was did they have enough “Starpower“? Did they “Believe” in themselves enough to make the show a success? Now the “The Show Is Over” and you “Finally” know for sure.

Check out some more videos from the show on our YouTube channel


New Star Children’s Theatre believes every child is a star. We celebrate each child’s achievements and growth. Every child who auditions is accepted and will receive a part with lines, there are no chorus roles in our plays. The majority of our plays and songs are New Star originals written by our own staff including several plays written by one of our alumni cast members.  When casting we try to give each cast member a role that will challenge their abilities and encourage them to grow as performers and experience a sense of achievement after every performance. Our cast members are like family and learn to support and encourage one another  to excel. 

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Curtain Up Cast

Contact us

Have any questions about our program? Feel free to contact us.